How to attach a Zipper Puller

Views : 519      Date Posted : 2018-07-31

1). On one end of the zipper tape, part the zipper teeth about 2".   

2). Insert one side of the zipper about 1/4 " into the curved end of the zipper slider.

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[NOTE: On double pull sliders place the slider so that the angled portion of the flange is up].

3). Insert the other end of the zipper into the slider. To prevent misalignment on the other end of the zipper line up the short ends of the zipper tape evenly.

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4). Firmly holding both zipper halves slide the pull onto the zipper teeth. It may take several attempts to line up the zipper teeth and to prevent a bulge on one side of the zipper tape if the teeth are misaligned.

[NOTE: When putting two pulls on the same zipper tape, attach the second tab on the opposite end of the zipper tape using the same method as above.